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meter 02832715,A1800

meter 02832715,A1800
meter 02832715,A1800
  • MODEL: 02832715,A1800
  • LEAD TIME: 2-3days

Product data sheet

accuracy Class 0.2 %, 0.5 %, and 1.0 %

UV-protected, polycarbonate, IP54 enclosure

Wide operating ranges:

Voltage: 46 V to 528 V

Current: 1 mA to 10 A (CTconnected)

Temperature: -40 °C to +85 °C (inside meter)

Energy plus demand for kWh, kVARh, and kVAh

Four-quadrant metering for exportimport

Up to 4 tariffs per day for 4 day types

Up to 12 seasons